Dr. Garcia Oliva's clinic is a dietary center in Malaga, a reference and avant-garde in natural therapies.
Sometimes people do not lose weight because of a bad diet, but because there is something in their metabolism that prevents it. The work of the nutritionist is to find this deficit and solve it by means of the appropriate therapy.
First and foremost, it is important to consult a medical nutritionist to consult your needs before starting a diet. ya que los especialistas pueden brindar la opción personalizada según el peso que necesites o desees perder, tus enfermedades y tus patologías.
In the exercise of her function, the doctor carries out an exhaustive follow-up of the patient's history, eating habits and daily routine in order to establish the best guidelines through personalized treatments, nutritional education and natural therapies.
In the quest for personalized transformation and specialized care, your next step is simple: request your appointment now.
Analysis of the clinical history and definition of objectives.
Elaboration of personalized diets and individual considerations.
Approach to specific pathologies according to the specialty.
C/ Córdoba nº 6, 4ª planta, Oficina 407, 29001 Málaga
The clinic of Dr. Garcia Oliva is a dietary center in Malaga, a reference and avant-garde in natural therapies, specialized in human nutrition and dietetics, which has the prestige and experience of years in the profession.